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SRF corporate film
Together with Adam Skinner I produced the music for the new corporate film for Swiss national TV.
West One release
Three tracks I produced in collaboration with Adam Skinner are released on West One Music.
Just finished writing and producing a 60′ score for the dance performance “Riverbed” which premiered on 15th of October at Alte Reithalle Aarau.
Figura Theaterfestival
Performing at Figura international Theater Festival Baden with “Chüssi”.
DOK.fest Munich 2022
My music is featured in “Pushing Boundaries” screening at DOK.fest Munich.
Dancing in the Dark
Performance music and voice over recordings for “Dancing in the Dark”, Bühne Aarau Ensemble.
57. Solothurner Filmtage / BIDF Budapest
Pushing Boundaries screened at 57. Solothurner Filmtage and Budapest International Documentary Festival. It also won the Brave Rebels Award in Budapest.
Music for SRF Dok “Der Roche Clan” by Tobias Bossard.
Brugger Dokumentarfilmtage
II was invited to do a podium talk about film music in documentaries. Together with Alice Schmid, Ephrem Lüchinger and Thomas Lüchinger
Chüssi @ BAFF Basel
Doing a few shows with “Chüssi” at Internationales Basler Figurentheater Festival.
Music for the SRF Dok “Blaulichtgeschichten”
Leiden Shorts
“Though the Mountains Divide, and the Oceans are Wide” by Belle Phromchanya is shown at Leiden Shorts in Leiden, NL. I did the sound mix. Leiden shorts is the second largest festival…
Pushing Boundaries @ Visions du Reel
Pushing Boundaries premiered at 52nd Visions du Reel festival and won the ZONTA prize. The film is a feature documentary by Lesia Kordonets that I wrote the music for. Co-produced by Dschoint…
Out of Ordinary @ 23rd Mecal Film Festival Barcelona
Out of Ordinary will be part of 23rd Mecal Film Festival Barcelona.