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  • STAMM residency

    I just did a residency at STAMM studio in Delemont CH. I rebuilt my electronic instrument from scratch there (to be continued…). The week finished with a group performance.

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    Träume von elektrischen Schafen

    Some pictures from the performance “Träume von elektrischen Schafen” that I made the music for.

  • Leap motion / Ableton / Max for Live / Geco

    Playing music “in the air” using the Leap motion controller, Ableton Live, Max for Live, and Geco.
    This is the quick & easy research version, not a finished project. Click the post to view the video.

  • Ist Dada Da?

    I’m doing a weird (and fun!) dadaistic performance / lecture together with SRF Kultur journalist Theresa Beyer. Including some Arduino / Max4Live craziness.

  • Die Schwänin Audio Walk

    I produced a 30 min audio walk for this performance by Szenart Aarau.

  • Arduino LED strip + Ableton Live

    Dirty test version of an Arduino controlled LED strip I made. The original strip is 5m long and properly soldered to a perfboard. Click the post to view the video.

  • Streamer feat. CJ on national radio

    Guest appearance by my alter ego CJ Croquet during Streamer set on National Durch Radio!

  • Animalistica

    Animalistica performed at the KIFF in Aarau for their 25 anniversary. Animalistica is a performance with Hansueli Trüb on analog visuals and me on live electronics.

  • Generation Bass

    Two Streamer tracks featuring my alter ego CJ Croquet on guitars and synths are on Generation Bass among with a load of his other tracks (which are awesome!). Generation Bass is a…

  • But the air is never sweet enough

    I recorded some guitars for the latest piece of Michael Wälti’s Bite Bullet Dance company. The music for the piece has been composed by Gary Shepherd. The piece had two sold out…

  • Playland

    I composed / produced music for the theater performance “Playland” by Ruth Huber. I also perform live during the shows.

  • Drinnen regnet es nicht

    “Drinnen regnet es nicht” performs in Schlachthaus Theater Bern 10th and 11th october. There are some more dates with performances and workshops coming up early in 2016 in Rotondes Luxembourg, Choessi Theater…

  • Why are you?

    De Kiss Moves is currently touring “Why are you” with more than 70 performances throughout the Netherlands. There are many of my tracks in the performance including the ones they used in…

  • Behind the Blue Screen

    I did audio post production on the video series “Behind the Blue Screen” by Ruben Pater and Jaap van Heusden. Behind the Blue Screen is published on the Dutch website ‘De Correspondent’,…

  • International Poparts Festival Amsterdam

    Performing with “Drinnen Regnet Es Nicht” by Lowtech Magic theater group at International Poparts Festival in de Krakeling Amsterdam